Who are we?

Never Again is Now, (NAIN), is a Christian grassroots movement educating and mobilising Christian’s to actively stand against the most ancient of racial hatreds, antisemitism.

We are committed to ensuring that no such evil finds a home in our beautiful country of Australia. We stand on Australian Values of respect, compassion, freedom, truth and love.

We know that the history and politics of the Middle East is complicated and contested. However, we firmly believe that there is never an excuse for antisemitism. Whatever our views might be on the war in Gaza, we believe Australians must stand together in solidarity with our Jewish friends and neighbours.

We believe that decent, peace loving Australians oppose antisemitism, and want a safe, inclusive, and cohesive society for all.

We look forward to working with anyone of any religious, or non-religious, background who wishes to join us in this stand.

Ultimately we have two key objectives:

1. We want to be a comfort to the Jewish community - to tell them that they are not alone. We care about the rise in UN-Australian antisemitism, stopping and pushing it back.

2. ⁠We demonstrate that the Jewish community is loved by Christians (and all people) and are safe in Australia because all people with moral clarity see what is going on.


Make Antisemitism Unthinkable

Mark Leach is one of the co-founders of Never Again Is Now. The experience he describes in the video above has been one of the catalysts for Never Again Is Now. You can follow him on Twitter/X or Facebook

David Lewis, President, The Great Synagogue, Sydney, shares his experience of the Christian Action Against Antisemitism rally in London, UK, that was a key catalyst in the formation of Never Again Is Now

We thank the growing list of organisations, partners and sponsors helping to stop antisemitism